Prepare for the Certification Exam | RCCSP Professional Education Alliance |
Format of the Exam Your professional certification exam will assess job-related knowledge and use of job-related tools. This is an online exam consisting of multiple choice and true/false questions. Exam questions are delivered randomly, and assess knowledge of subject matters and materials, all of which would have been reviewed if you attended an accredited preparatory training course. What to Have On-Hand During the exam, you may refer to training course manuals, notes, reference materials and software tools. If the knowledge requirements for the certification you are pursuing include metrics, staffing, or optimization, you should have a calculator (standard deviation capable) and note paper, or a software tool, available for completing computations. Time Limitations This is a timed examination, meaning, once you begin the exam, you will have 90 minutes to complete all the questions and no longer. You may not bookmark the exam, leave the session, and resume later. So, be sure to have ample uninterrupted time to complete the exam. Keep a timepiece handy so that you can monitor your remaining time. Results Once you have submitted your completed exam, or the allotted time has run out, your final score and results by subject will display. Print or save a copy of your results before navigating away from this page. Format of the Exam Immediated after you log in to the certification exam, you will be able to see all of the exam questions, and will be able to move back and forth through the exam questions. You are not required to complete exam questions sequentially. If you are unsure of some answers and skip questions, you will be able to go back and complete them during the exam period. Examination Tips
Length of the Exam:
Retake Options If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you are not alone. Candidates are permitted up to three attempts to pass the certification exam before being required to attend re-qualification training. There are administrative fees associated with retaking the exam. Examination Support Should you encounter any technical difficulties, contact RCCSP testing support at the Resource Center:
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